Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Am I Worthy?

Outside the morgue, mortuary.
Purgatory. Mausoleum, old museum.
Dead and gone.
It's December and I'm freezing.
Dying slowly. Invocation, trapped patience.
Waits too long.

You're pathetic, so possessive...
and I think that you are nothing.
Keep me going? You're not helping.
Now I'm starving. Am I worthy?
Please be listening. How frustrating.
Be despised by everyone.
I don't care much. Please just leave me.
Is this helping? Not at all.
Hello, Jesus, Allah, Buddha,
God, Jehova, everyone.
Let me ask you if I'm worthy.
Show me off to all your friends.
I am myself and I'm dying.
And I'm close to breaking off.
Am I worthy? Say I'm worthless
and I will tell everyone.

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